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Majaz 1, Corniche Al Buhaira Road, Salem Tower, First Floor,
Office No. 102, P.O. Box: 5356, Sharjah – United Arab Emirates.

Phone: 00971 6 5736313 / 00971 6 5736323

Fax: 00971 6 5724933



The purpose of this policy is to inform Clients regarding Al Shael Shares Center complaint review procedure, means of submitting a complaint, communication channels and information that must be indicated in the complaint. Furthermore, this policy explains how and when Al Sahel Shares Center will respond to the submitted complaints.

For the Client to receive an official written reply from Al Shael Shares Center, the Client must submit a written complaint to the designated e-mail address mentioned below. The Client must indicate in the written complaint following information:

  • Name and surname.

If the person is representing a legal entity, please indicate the name of the company and the position in the company.

  • The Client identification number
  • Contact information (phone and e-mail address) in case Al Shael Shares Center will need to obtain further information regarding the complaint.
  • A written description of the complaint.
  • Means of delivering the reply.

We will review and reply to all written complaints within 7 business days. In specific or urgent cases where the nature of compliant could be dealt with and resolved over the phone, the client can call us to explain his complaint.

We will keep records of all complaints submitted by the Clients in writing or by phone and measures taken in connection to each complaint and reviewed by Compliance Dept.

E-mail address for sending complaints:
